Strategic Plan

Franklin Borough School District Strategic Plan 2024—2029 Goals & Objectives

Goal Area 1 – Educational Program

Goal Statement: Maintain a well-rounded program of studies that meets the needs and interest of all learners so each student can reach their full potential. 
Objective 1: Provide a rigorous and meaningful academic program that is aligned to the NJSLS and the needs of students. 
Objective 2: Provide opportunities for students that promote academic, social and  emotional growth. 
Objective 3: Collaborate with community partners to provide opportunities to expose students to life skills that promote future success. 

Goal Area 2 – Health and Wellness

Goal Statement: Further develop a school-wide culture of wellness that supports the education of the Whole Child and prepares students for a successful future.
Objective 1: Offer a variety of opportunities and programming to develop age-appropriate social skills across all grade levels.  
Objective 2: Provide high-quality professional development for staff to support best practices in sustaining a culture of wellness for students.
Objective 3: Provide opportunities for parents to be active partners with the school in promoting a culture of wellness for students both in school and at home. 

Goal Area 3 – Facilities

Goal Statement: Ensure facilities continue to be safe, upgraded, and equipped with current technology to promote a conducive environment for learning and advancement. 
Objective 1: Continually update campus security and safety. 
Objective 2: Continually maintain innovative technology. 
Objective 3: Proactively anticipate facility needs  

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